Results of the first quarter 2016

1st Quarter Due to a weaker business development of the Steel and Industrial Divisions, the RHI Group’s revenue, at € 389.7 million in the first quarter of 2016, was lower than revenue of the comparative period of 2015, at € 424.1 million, and lower than revenue of the fourth quarter of 2015, at € 440.0 million.

The operating EBIT amounted to € 30.3 million in the first quarter of 2016, after € 34.5 million in the comparative period of 2015, and was thus lower than in the fourth quarter of 2015, at € 32.7 million. While the Raw Materials Division increased its operating EBIT compared with the first quarter of 2015 due to better utilization of the raw material production capacities, the operating EBIT of the Steel and Industrial Divisions decreased due to declining revenues. In comparison with the fourth quarter of 2015 the Steel Division increased its operating EBIT significantly, among other things due to a positive development in Europe and North America as a result of an improved product mix. The decline in the operating EBIT of the Industrial Division can be explained by the high number of project deliveries at the end of the year. The operating EBIT margin of the RHI Group, at 7.8% in the first quarter of 2016, was lower than in the comparative period of 2015, at 8.1%, but exceeded that of the fourth quarter of 2015, at 7.4%.

EBIT includes a negative net effect from the power supply contract in Norway. Here, financial liabilities of roughly € 1.9 million were reversed through profit and loss due to own use and the sale at market prices; however, due to a decline in electricity future prices, a negative non-cash effect on earnings of roughly € 5.1 million had to be recognized.

Equity amounted to € 486.8 million at March 31, 2016, after € 491.4 million at December 31, 2015. This development is among other things due to a reduction of the actuarial interest rate to determine pension and termination benefit obligations predominantly in Austria and Germany. Working capital, which consists of inventories, trade receivables less trade payables and prepayments received, was reduced from € 532.6 million at the end of the year 2015 to € 516.4 million at March 31, 2016 due to lower receivables. Free cash flow amounted to € 22.1 million in the past quarter after € 12.4 million in the comparative period of 2015. As a result, net debt dropped from € 397.9 million at the end of the year 2015 to € 378.9 million at March 31, 2016.

The number of employees declined slightly from 7,898 at the end of the year 2015 to 7,876.

Outlook For the full year 2016, the Management Board of the RHI Group still expects revenue (2015: € 1,752.5 million) below and operating EBIT (2015: € 124.1 million) at the level of the past financial year, provided that the macroeconomic environment and exchange rates remain stable, with the first half of 2016 slightly weaker than the second half of the year. The expected decline in revenue in the Steel Division is related especially to an expected slowdown of the business development in South America and a highly competitive environment. In the Industrial Division, a weaker nonferrous metals and cement business could cause a decrease in revenue.

Due to the development in the customer industries, RHI is currently working on further optimizing the plant structure, which could lead to an adjustment of production capacities in Europe in the current financial year. In addition, different cost measures have been defined in the sales and general administrative departments. The planned continuation of the reduction of working capital should support the generation of free cash flow and lead to a further reduction of net debt.

in € million Revenue EBITDA EBITDA margin Operating EBIT 1) Operating EBIT margin EBIT EBIT margin Profit before income tax Profit after income tax Q1/2016 389.7 43.2 11.1% 30.3 7.8% 27.1 7.0% 23.8 14.8 Q1/2015 424.1 51.2 12.1% 34.5 8.1% 34.5 8.1% 29.9 21.1 Delta (8.1)% (15.6)% (1.0)pp (12.2)% (0.3)pp (21.4)% (1.1)pp (20.4)% (29.9)%   Q4/2015 440.0 (2.3) (0.5)% 32.7 7.4% (53.9) (12.3)% (54.7) (38.4) Delta (11.4)% 1,978.3% 11.6pp (7.3)% 0.4pp 150.3% 19.3pp 143.5% 138.5%

1) EBIT before expenses from derivatives from supply contracts, impairment and restructuring effects